ENH 903. @color should no longer set the lights to black when name lookup fails (2017-02-22 22:27:22)
ENH 795. no execution of e_boot? issue seemed to go away when poked (2017-02-22 22:13:55)
ENH 743. added 'H^ ' for deleting spaces before variables in arabesque. (2017-02-23 16:08:59)
ENH 742. arabesque now issues commands with id of script activator, not unit; added $user and $username evars for object that activated the script (2017-02-23 16:09:09)
ENH 719. converted arabesque 'sound' and 'preload' verbs into actual system commands (2017-02-23 16:09:22)
ENH 681. Added @open command for triggering applications (2017-01-19 08:34:03)
ENH 672. ifexists for Arabesque (2017-01-20 06:49:19)
ENH 407. Access protections for Arabesque scripts (2016-12-14 08:28:35)
ENH 405. Arabesque script execution from web folders (ex5) (2021-12-19 18:18:23)
MOD 2391. px_ scripts don't start tasks (2019-10-01 23:50:11)
MOD 2160. Removed @power from Arabesque and de-tasked it (overly frequent updates) (2018-05-20 03:51:17)
MOD 2155. Fixed performer.color not being initialized (and consequent color data loss due to light bus reflection) (2018-05-20 03:51:32)
MOD 1323. Set px_ script activator to NULL_KEY so e.g. guests can trigger personas with associated name change (2017-05-21 15:13:05)
MOD 1289. Arabesque can't renew animations after relog (2019-03-27 02:26:12)
MOD 1288. Arabesque can't clean up animations initiated with 'start' (2019-03-27 02:26:09)
MOD 1284. Perform stop doesn't stop animations (2019-03-27 02:26:05)
MOD 1104. RE-FIXED: fixed a bug preventing setting of menu sound schemes (2017-02-23 16:29:21)
MOD 720. arabesque 'vox' command now '@sound vox ...' (2017-02-23 16:09:16)
MIN 2295. @color should reject negative values and not set last_color to black when preset not found (2019-03-14 17:29:02)
MIN 2170. Ensure applications menu is reliably populated (2018-12-02 05:05:41)

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