MOD 1080. fixed @gender voice changes producing null chat sound warning still (2017-02-23 16:29:37)
MOD 1075. vox pipeline no longer messes up on reboot (2017-02-22 21:56:57)
MOD 1052. properly fixed sendchannel_sec restraints that were blocking /channel chat even when the output pipe was disabled. (2017-02-23 16:33:21)
MOD 1046. vox chain removal fixed; filters weren't being removed from sublists (2017-02-23 16:32:51)
MOD 1044. clean up persona #RLV folder state in case of on_rez() or power down (2017-02-23 16:11:47)
MOD 971. fixed a bug preventing RLV folder loading and a separate bug preventing the RLV path from being updated on the cortex (2017-02-23 16:00:51)
MOD 970. personas cannot be opened in violation of self-access (2017-02-23 16:07:09)
MOD 962. missing speech sound (EOF) during boot no longer causes debug messages (2017-02-23 16:06:10)
MOD 952. fixed @relay (thanks, iKitten!) (2017-02-22 22:08:13)
MOD 648. cortex strips persona folder on shutdown (2017-01-08 01:55:07)
MIN 1090. output pipe and release should now display on/off status in ex4 menus properly (2017-02-23 15:54:14)
TRI 2007. Trim persona folder names (2017-10-15 09:55:16)
TRI 1980. Changed output pipe button text from 'gag mode' to 'fwd chat' (2017-09-02 13:47:02)
TRI 1302. Moved (OOC) marker to the start of the unit's name for more distinctiveness. (2017-04-29 18:38:29)
TRI 861. redundant listing of default persona (2017-02-22 22:46:07)
IDK 2636. can't read local (2021-07-30 09:23:23)
IDK 2582. Vox system is continueing to force whisper range despite multiple times cycling and rebooting (2021-06-24 16:27:26)

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