CRI 2621. repair XNMS (2021-08-12 22:09:05)
MAJ 2190. Blacklist causes script error (2018-07-15 00:38:00)
MAJ 1928. Migrate domain info into CM (2017-09-10 15:34:34)
MAJ 1927. Corrected PATCH_LAST_ACCESS calls for ignore, permit once, and prompt expired (with default ignore) (2017-07-02 00:18:09)
MAJ 594. domain functionality shakedown (2017-01-09 10:24:35)
ENH 2650. Move gender to _hierarchy (2021-08-12 22:15:17)
ENH 2646. Switch to using XCVR listener (2021-08-12 22:09:45)
ENH 2404. Moved LCA control into AM. NSM can now be treated as optional. (2019-11-11 15:55:38)
ENH 2339. Guests backed up by conf (2019-04-26 17:30:26)
ENH 1929. Convert hierarchy into MT_LIBRARY (2020-03-03 14:16:07)
ENH 1278. XNMS Arabesque (2017-11-03 17:35:35)
ENH 783. Added default action selection: either accept (temporary whitelist) or deny (ignore access request.) Deny is the default. Asymmetric options are to minimize hassle required to fix the issue if the unit is AFK. (2017-02-23 16:16:45)
ENH 782. Added additional exceptions to guest access for controller and self access (when unit is own guest) (2017-02-23 16:16:51)
ENH 779. UPM: owner-vs-object distinction (still has some bugs) (2017-02-22 22:12:33)
ENH 776. UPM integration for _restraint and _compliance::navigate (2017-02-22 22:12:15)
ENH 774. UPM menu interface (included under manage > users) (2017-02-22 22:12:05)
ENH 773. UPM consent (2017-02-22 22:12:00)
ENH 772. UPM CLI: @guest (2017-02-22 22:11:55)
ENH 374. improve interface for domain and role selection (2016-12-14 08:28:35)
ENH 373. improve interface for whitelist and blacklist management (2017-02-26 13:49:27)
ENH 355. Sync users (2016-12-14 08:28:35)
ENH 310. Remote script execution (2016-12-14 08:28:35)
MOD 2681. various gender bugs (2021-10-11 20:02:30)
MOD 2672. Moved auto drag-and-drop to hierarchy for memory (2021-10-03 15:46:23)
MOD 2197. Temporary blacklist wasn't being auto-cleaned (code reuse typo) (2018-07-15 00:37:43)
MOD 2189. Delete domain hive when leaving domain (2018-07-15 00:37:39)
MOD 2182. Stack-heap collision; cause unspecified (2018-07-08 15:35:42)
MOD 829. fixed a case causing corruption of temporary white/black lists (numbers appearing in lists) (2017-02-22 22:05:11)
MOD 828. fixed a case where guest authorization was removing the wrong listeners (2017-02-22 22:05:03)
MOD 799. fixed faulty management of temporary whitelist and temporary blacklist causing stride corruption (2017-02-22 22:03:44)
MOD 792. re-fixed guest access prompts appearing for NULL_KEY and blank key (2017-02-22 22:03:30)
MOD 788. fixed guest access prompts appearing for NULL_KEY and blank key (2017-02-22 22:03:08)
MOD 787. fixed "details" button not working on guest access dialogs for users (should have been "details...") (2017-02-22 22:03:00)
MIN 2002. Adjustable guest prompt timeout (2017-10-20 18:48:25)
MIN 1213. NSM ignorant of self access state (forgot to replace 208 handler with 100 handler) (2017-03-04 15:21:52)
TRI 2695. fixed pipe send errors in @domain (2021-11-24 16:48:14)
REJ 2412. Relic models - @About information corrupted (2019-12-31 01:50:38)

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