name <name>
The current unit name, including the prefix. Peripherals that can be interacted with by a user are encouraged to name themselves according to the full unit name plus a description in parentheses. This should be performed whenever a name message is sent, or immediately after receiving add-confirm based on the object name given in the name parameter of the listen() event. The name message is only sent when there is an update to this value.

For example, the chromatic communicator icon attached to an SXD unit named vi0let should take the unit's full name (SXD vi0let) and append " (icon)" to the end, resulting in the full name SXD vi0let (icon). This provides a consistent interface when interacting with a unit's peripherals. However, vi0let's battery does not need to rename itself, as it is not part of the unit's body and does not have any interactive features during regular use.