Power management is a central feature of the ARES experience, where the unit may extend battery life by accepting more restrictions. A general introduction to the topic can be found here.
#NameDirectly-applied RLV restrictionsSystem hooks (SIGNAL_NOTIFY)RequirementsDraw (W)
0base_power base30
1video_power video020
2lidar_power lidar010
3hud_power hud0, 15
4optics_power optics0, 150
5hearingrecvchat_input hearing010
6identifyshownames, showhovertextworld, camavdist:0, shownametags0, 1, 420
8locationshowworldmap, showminimap, showlocnav location0, 75
9teleporttplm, tploc, sittp, tplure_secnav teleport0, 2, 7, 8120
10receiverecvim_sec0, 710
11transmitsendim_sec, startim0, 710
12wifi0, 710
13motorstouchworld_power motors060
14locomotionsit_power locomotion0, 1340
15athleticstemprun, alwaysrun, jump0, 13, 1430
16flightfly0, 13, 1450
17reachtouchfar:2.50, 1320
18voice_input voice020
19speechchatnormal_input speech0, 13, 1820
20amplifierchatshout_input amplifier0, 13, 18, 1930
21mindsendchat_input mind0, 1870
n/aEPSrecvim_sec, recvchat_input hearing, _power optics, _power video300 (EPS)