Chronometer Deviation gets stuck on display.
Issue: Chronometer Deviation gets stuck on display.
ID: 2610
Assignee: rhet0rica
Reported by: BeeShawn Resident
Date: 2021-06-09 11:46:59
Reported in: 8.6.1
Priority: Moderate
Product/Component: Companion - protocol (_console-native)
Most of the time the chronometer deviation displays for a brief time and shows the percentage.  However, it also seems to get stuck displayed a lot.  A few days ago it was stuck showing 6% no matter where I TPed to, rebooting didn't help, relogging, nothing.  I asked in group and it seems to happen to other people.  One guy cleared it by getting a new controller redelivered.  Another guy cleared his by resetting all the scripts in the controller.  So I just got a new controller delivered.  Now again today, it's stuck showing 11%.  Again, relogging doesn't help, TPing around doesn't help.  I don't want to have to keep replacing the controller every few days.