identify <response-channel>
repair start|stop|<amount>
navigate <event> (Companion only)
As the navigate system command, but the source object is regarded as the origin of the message rather than the source object's owner. This allows navigation routing system nodes to remain distinct.

The navigate command has several sub-messages not included in the command reference. They are intended to be sent by navigation nodes rather than users. These are arrive, seek <next-node-UUID>, warp <next-node-UUID>, and wait <seconds>.
sxdwm <...> (Companion only)
As the sxdwm system command, but the source object is regarded as the origin of the message rather than the owner of that object. This makes session multiplexing easier.
trigger <event> (Companion only)
Equivalent to the system command @trigger, but exempt from usual permissions checks. The activator of the event will be the object that sent the message, rather than its owner.
charge <amount>
Gives the unit a one-time burst of <amount> kilojoules of battery power. Not all units will receive charged battery power with perfect efficiency (see chassis specification settings), and larger amounts will cause overheating under ATOS. Amounts over 100 kJ require consent or they will be rejected.

If <amount> is negative, then the unit will respond with a positive charge message of the same format.
ping <response-channel>
The receiving device, if able, will send a message on <response-channel>. The message will contain the following:

<serial> <OS> <owner> <controller-model> <authority>

Under Companion, the <owner> field will usually be populated with the unit's first user that has rank 2.

If the unit's authority tag contains spaces, then <authority> will replace these characters with underscores.

Known <OS> values are as follows:

- Companion (before 8.3.0): version number only, e.g. "8.2.11"
- ATOS/CX: ATOS/<version>, e.g. "ATOS/12.1.0" (previous versions of this document incorrectly reported the format was ATOS/CX_<version>. This is only used for identification messages.)
- Companion (after 8.3.0), Clockwork, ARES, KOR, OeM: <OS>/<version>, e.g. "Companion/8.6.4", "Clockwork/8.6.3", "ARES/0.4.0", "KOR/24.03.08", "OeM/4.0".