Issue: unable to use moan  and voice load
ID: 2410
Assignee: rhet0rica
Reported by: priestesstwilight.xue
Date: 2019-11-22 00:15:22
Reported in: 8.5rc4
Priority: Unconfirmed/New
Product/Component: TESI - sensors
i decided to use tesi again and discovered the sounds  did not work when clicked other then the spank the @lust moan  did not work saying a voice was not loaded when i went to load a voice it did not say anything in chat and when i went to use the @lust moan once more it continued to say i had no voice installed regardless of the status when i ran the @font command it said that i was running the voice font fr1 and  i did reinstall tesi reattach the sensors and use new copy's of sensor i am running tesi 7.3