Serial format


  • zzz indicates the unit series ("SXD" for SXD and DAX units, "NS" for standard NS units, and "YS" for Yutani Springs units)
  • aaa is the serial prefix, indicating the model type
  • bb is the batch or block number, indicating where and when the unit was made
  • cccc is the individual identifier, indicating the specific unit

  • Most units are given a callsign as well after manufacture, although this is more usually called a nominal designator or even just "name."


    In the part numbers listed below, 0x00 indicates the major hardware revision, e.g. 0700. x is currently 8 for all systems.

    Recreational Cybernetics Group

    888: SXDjr. Controller part number 01-0x00-M.
    997: SXD/2 TYL (branded as "DAX/T"). Controller part number 02-0x00-T.
    998: SXD/2 (branded as "DAX/2"), including mini variant. Controller part numbers 02-0x00-F or M, and SXD/3 (branded as "DAX/3"), including mini variant. Controller part numbers 03-0x00-F or M.
    999: SXD/1, including both first and second-generation SXDs. Controller part numbers 01-0x00-F.

    Rhapsody Robotics

    996: SXD/2 iKitten (branded as "iKitten"). Modified 02-0800-F controller

    Mechanical Mischief

    995: reserved

    Barthes Asset Control

    990: BaCdrive cyborg controller; foreign part number 990-BAC-D.

    Daybreak Electronics

    304: NS-304 "Daybreak" domestic servant controller; part number DBE-34-0x00-F.

    Chiyoda Security Systems

    409: NS-409 "Nightfall/3" police controller; part number CSS-49-0x00-F, as well as Saibarabo "Nightfall/S" branded variant; part number CSS-49-0x00-S.

    Yutani Springs

    712: YS-712 Extensible Service Unit domestic servant controller; foreign part number XS-0x00-A.

    Battlefield Systems Division

    476: NS-476 "Aegis" frontline combat controller; part number BSD-09-0x00-S; also refurbished under part number BSD-09-0x00-R.
    478: NS-478 "Revenant" multirole combat controller; part number BSD-09-0478-X.

    Facilities Division

    120: NS-120 "Mesta" industrial controller; part number FSD-31-0x00-M.
    226: NS-226 "Hephaestus" heavy lifter controller; part number FSD-26-0x00-H.

    Field Robotics Group

    112: NS-112 "Aide"; part number FRG-28-0x00-S (for "SXD firmware").
    113: Foreign units compatible with VAR/Yutani "OpenNanite" spec (if grandfathered in with any controller).
    114: NS-114 "SuperAide" variant controller; part number FRG-30-0x00-A, B, or C, incl. NS-114C 'Companion'.
    115: NS-115 "Scout"; part number FRG-28-0x00-M.

    The SXD List

    The 999-54 block started at 5000. The entire 999 space prior to 999-54-5001 was reserved for prototypes and other incomplete projects that were never released. Prior to the start of the 55 block, it was customary to omit everything but the individual identifier when indicating a unit; this tradition sometimes continues. After that, and until early 1991, SXDs were usually just referred to with block and individual ID (e.g. 54-5007)

    Nanite Systems reserved units 54-5001 through 54-6000 for company use. The first unit intended for sale was 54-6001, although all units in this block starting from 54-5790 (the first rev 1.5 unit) were eventually sold during liquidation. Full-scale production started on September 23rd, 1988 with unit 54-5075, the first to be initialized with a template instead of self-directed learning.

    The 54 block was filled by mid-1989 and consisted of units with hardware revisions 1.0–1.5. Production was distributed among Detroit, Gatineau, and West-Berlin facilities.

    Prototypes are marked here with D, H, G, or B to indicate that they were used as templates by Detroit, Okinawa, Gatineau, or Berlin, respectively. Units marked with T were Japanese templates not modified by Hitachi for the otaku market.

    The viable prototypes:
    999-54-5001 SXD aphr0dite (Aug 15) D
    999-54-5002 SXD in4nna (Aug 26) D
    999-54-5003 SXD k4dzhira (Sept 3) B
    999-54-5004 SXD v3nera G
    999-54-5005 SXD mir4nda B
    999-54-5006 SXD am3lia D
    999-54-5007 SXD k4rina B
    999-54-5008 SXD oct4via B
    999-54-5009 SXD fr3ya B
    999-54-5010 SXD c0smia D
    999-54-5011 SXD oliv1a G
    999-54-5012 SXD k0ine G
    999-54-5013 SXD m0ta B
    999-54-5014 SXD kh0sara B
    999-54-5015 SXD h3ra G
    999-54-5016 SXD k0na D
    999-54-5017 SXD am3a (amy) D
    999-54-5018 SXD s4roka D
    999-54-5019 SXD sam4ntha G
    999-54-5020 SXD anast4sia D
    999-54-5021 SXD j4smine (later redesignated and rebuilt as SXD m0toko; first Japanese prototype) H
    999-54-5022 SXD si3rra G
    999-54-5023 SXD nit0ra T
    999-54-5024 SXD heath3r G
    999-54-5025 SXD s4lli B
    999-54-5026 SXD k4ssandra G
    999-54-5027 SXD k4trina D
    999-54-5028 SXD rox4nne G
    999-54-5029 SXD say3da T
    999-54-5030 SXD g3nesis B
    999-54-5031 SXD pho3be B
    999-54-5032 SXD conc0rdia G
    999-54-5033 SXD d3stiny D
    999-54-5034 SXD c3line G
    999-54-5035 SXD h0pe D
    999-54-5036 SXD s4kura H
    999-54-5037 SXD k4rolyn G
    999-54-5038 SXD c4mille D
    999-54-5039 SXD s4tomi H
    999-54-5040 SXD zey3ta B
    999-54-5041 SXD am4nda T
    999-54-5042 SXD m0rgan D
    999-54-5043 SXD s4rah D
    999-54-5044 SXD hyp4tia B
    999-54-5045 SXD nic0le G
    999-54-5046 SXD c3cilia B
    999-54-5047 SXD l4uren G
    999-54-5048 SXD gl0ria D
    999-54-5049 SXD tz4da T
    999-54-5050 SXD k4tana H
    999-54-5051 SXD m4rlene B
    999-54-5052 SXD d4ylight D
    999-54-5053 SXD m1dnight D
    999-54-5054 SXD 3ve D
    999-54-5055 SXD t4mara B
    999-54-5056 SXD j4ne G
    999-54-5057 SXD suns3t G
    999-54-5058 SXD d4wn G
    999-54-5059 SXD r4chel B
    999-54-5060 SXD tw1light G
    999-54-5061 SXD ambr0sia D
    999-54-5062 SXD bl1ss D
    999-54-5063 SXD pati3nce D
    999-54-5064 SXD set0ra T
    999-54-5065 SXD al1ce D
    999-54-5066 SXD od3tte D
    999-54-5067 SXD oph3lia B
    999-54-5068 SXD j0sephine B
    999-54-5069 SXD op4l B
    999-54-5070 SXD j4de T
    999-54-5071 SXD r3i (CLASSIFIED)
    999-54-5072 SXD mis4ki H

    The non-viable prototypes:
    999-54-5073 SXD c3tirizine (Sept 20)
    999-54-5074 SXD v3netia

    The "Muses of Scorpio," demo units from Gatineau that were among those presented at the Winter 1989 Las Vegas CES:
    999-54-5620 SXD rhet0rica (Nov 12)
    999-54-5621 SXD an4lytica (Nov 15)
    999-54-5623 SXD num3ria (Nov 15)
    999-54-5624 SXD m3trica (Nov 18)
    999-54-5625 SXD gr4phica (Nov 21)

    Other 54 block units of note:
    999-54-5703 SXD ekh3ssa (Jan 13)
    999-54-5704 SXD h4zel (Jan 14)
    999-54-6133 SXD an1ka (Feb 3)

    The 55 block was produced mostly at the Nanite–Hitachi Joint Venture in Ginowa (Jinoon), Okinawa, Japan. Production started in late 1988 and continued into the third quarter of 1989. Hardware revisions in this batch range from 1.1 to 1.5.

    999-55-0016 SXD y0ko (Dec 3)
    999-55-0029 SXD yun0 (Dec 17); sold to Yutani Onsen and later re-designated under the unique "SXD/8R" range as a hybrid SXD/1 and PC/8R

    The 56 block was produced from mid-1989 to 1989 exclusively in Germany. All units were of hardware revision 1.5.

    The 57 block was produced entirely at Gatineau. Hardware ranged from revisions 1.5 to 2.0. Retooling problems for 2.0 units impaired quality control and rate at which units were produced, leading to many irregularities. Production lasted from mid-1989 to early 1990. Last Canadian units.

    The 58 block was produced entirely at Ginowa in early 1990. Units were of hardware revisions 2.1-2.2.

    The 59 block was produced in Detroit from 1989 to 1990. Hardware ranged from revisions 2.1 to 3.0.

    The 60 block was produced in Berlin throughout 1990. Production slowed at this point due to political friction. Revisions 2.2 to 3.1; last German units.

    The 61 block was produced in Detroit from mid-1990 to mid-1991. Hardware revisions 3.0 to 3.5. Production increased later in the series in part due to transfer of personnel and equipment from Gatineau and Berlin.

    The "Twilight Girls," made to order for business magnate Stephen Mohan in 1991:
    999-61-0355 SXD vi0let (April 30)
    999-61-0356 SXD 1ndigo (April 30)
    999-61-0357 SXD lav3nder (April 30)
    999-61-0358 SXD c3rulean (April 30)

    The 62 block was produced in Japan from mid-1990 to early 1992, and covered revisions 3.1 to 5.0.

    999-62-8506 SXD ky0ko (Oct 30, 1991)

    The 63 block was started in Detroit in mid-1991, immediately following the 61 block, but production ended prematurely in early 1992 with unit 999-63-2747. All units in this batch were manufactured with hardware revision 6.0.

    Converted SXDs

    Technology to facilitate the conversion of organics into robotic forms was explored in the early 2010s by NSMD. NSSD (NanoSec) produced a single semi-SXD convertee named n1kita on October 2, 2012 (serial number 999-63-2748) in a very extralegal way from the daughter of Tarasev Mineral Concern's CEO. While the individuals responsible were later sent to prison for their crimes against humanity, their research paved the way for later conversions.

    Following the rediscovery of SXD 999-54-5620 rhet0rica in July 2014, NSCP was reopened under Dr. Samantha Wright, the younger daughter of April Voet. Speculating on the apparent publicity generated by rhet0rica's reappearance, the company began to authorize a limited number of organic-to-SXD conversions using the techniques developed for n1kita.

    999-63-2749 SXD kiri4nna (rev 6.0a) (July 17, 2014)
    999-63-2750 SXD ar1a (rev 6.0b) (July 25, 2014)
    999-63-2751 SXD er1ca (rev 7.0b?) (Aug 24, 2014)
    999-63-2752 SXD v4lkyrie (rev 8.2b) (Aug 17, 2015)
    999-63-2753 SXD eir3an (rev 7.0c?) (Sept 4, 2014)
    999-63-2754 SXD ma3ve (rev 7.0c?) (Sept 12, 2014)
    999-63-2755 SXD uni7y (rev 7.0c?) (Sept 16, 2014)
    999-63-2756 SXD divin7y (rev 7.0c?) (Sept 16, 2014)
    999-63-2757 SXD at4rah (rev 7.0c) (Dec 11, 2014)
    999-63-2758 RESERVED (k1miko)
    999-63-2759 SXD luci4na (rev 7.0d?) (Jan 22, 2015)
    999-63-2760 SXD ely5ia (rev 7.0d?) (Jan 13, 2015)
    999-63-2761 RESERVED (kir0bea)
    999-63-2762 SXD nui4no (rev 7.0d?) (Jan 19, 2015)
    999-63-2763 SXD s4ra (rev 7.1?) (Feb 9, 2015)
    999-63-2764 SXD c4llista (rev 8.3.2) (Jan 3, 2016)
    999-63-2765 CANCELLED (junip3r)
    999-63-2766 CANCELLED (s0phie)
    999-63-2767 SXD c0ral (rev 7.1?) (Feb 3, 2015)
    999-63-2768 SXD sh4una (rev 8.2) (Sep 17, 2015)
    999-63-2769 CANCELLED (s0si)
    999-63-2770 CANCELLED (apr1l)
    999-63-2771 SXD c4itlin (rev 8.2.1) (Nov 16, 2015)
    999-63-2772 SXD ai5lyn (rev 8.3.2) (Jan 9, 2016)
    999-63-2773 CANCELLED (elean0r)
    999-63-2774 CANCELLED (s4pphire)

    SXD hardware revisions

    Revision numbers indicate what components were used in the manufacture of units of different vintages. All surviving hardware has been updated to current (post-8.2) standards.

    Revision 1.1: Controller design update; switched to ivory casing to match chassis design. Switched to ZGCY-0005 coating system.
    Revision 1.2: Charging compatibility improvements. Improved efficiency of aromatic molecule synthesis.
    Revision 2.0: Cortex bypass added for persona system, which was new in version 2.0 of the SXD firmware.
    Revision 2.1: Replaced EXB-8500 tape loop drive (128 MB) with 8502 tape loop drive (10 GB).
    Revision 2.2: Gyroscope improvements.
    Revision 3.0: Improved total lattice cache from 8 GB to 64 GB.
    Revision 3.1: Coolant pump replacements.
    Revision 3.5: Transmitter updates. Cellular network support.
    Revision 4.0: Replaced EXB-8502 with EXB-8505 (60 TB). Restructured lattice geometry for more efficient cache access.
    Revision 5.0: Removed nanoconnectivity serial ports in favor of exclusive LiveNet connectivity.
    Revision 6.0: SuperBits now installed in all new units. Controller design update; now using JJP cooler. Replaced RTG with 8-hour regenerative fuel cell. Removed LiveNet support.
    Revision 7.0: Switched to SynthOPTICAL eyes. Compatibility with RCG Charging Platform 2.0. Controller design update; switched to larger (six-button) touch screen and POWER7 processor. Now using integrated cooler.
    Revision 7.1: Switched to Metalloplastic Starlight coating system.
    Revision 8.0: Controller design update; switched to larger (twelve-button) touch screen and POWER8 processor. Horn hardware update. Replaced internal battery with battery loading mechanism. Adjustable X-series radio for communicating with new Xanadu servers.
    Revision 8.2: Switched to NeoVISION eyes.
    Revision 8.4: Controller design update. Switched to Metalloplastic Nova coating system. Switched to iKON ORAMA eyes. Added updated nanoconnectivity ports.
    Revision 8.5: Horn hardware update. Externally accessible cortex compartment. Microcode improvements for EXB-8505, hip-mounted lights, fan controller, lighting controller, sound processor, and more.