Issue: ✓ Script Warnings
ID: 2260
Assignee: rhet0rica
Reported by: LindaLee Winkler
Date: 2019-01-19 20:13:00
Reported in: 8.5b3
Resolved in: 8.5b2
Priority: Minor
Product/Component: Companion - General
My apologies, but I didn't find this page until after I'd forgotten the details of these errors, but I believe they happened during the update to Beta 8.5 earlier this week. I updated after the group notice went out that the new update was more stable. It is possible they were from the TESI update afterwards, too.

I promise to do better the next time. I was getting sometimes about a negative length of the task list from almost every module so I stopped.
===== Script warnings:
[19:32] Could not find script '_whip'.
[19:32] Could not find script '_whip'.
[19:32] Could not find script '_whip'.
[19:32] Could not find script '_whip'.
[19:32] Could not find script '_whip'.

5 years ago rhet0rica:
Should be fixed in second build of 8.5b3