Issue: ✓ Blacklist causes script error
ID: 2190
Assignee: rhet0rica
Reported by: Callista Bellecoeur
Date: 2018-07-15 00:38:00
Reported in: 8.5b2
Target version for fix: 8.5b3
Resolved in: 8.5b2
Priority: Major
Product/Component: Companion - hierarchy (Network Security Manager)
In 8.5.0 beta 2, attempts to add someone to the blacklist cause hierarchy to have this error: [script:_hierarchy] Script run-time error
[06:12] Stack-Heap Collision. It happens every time even after resetting hierarchy, exhibition, keychain and submission, and reinstall of 8.5 at a tech's suggestion.

5 years ago rhet0rica:
Freed up 2-3 kb memory in _hierarchy; hopefully that'll help.