"Unregistered Command" notice, but command works!
Issue: ✓ "Unregistered Command" notice, but command works!
ID: 2106
Assignee: rhet0rica
Reported by: EriciaWitt
Date: 2018-03-23 01:30:01
Reported in: 8.5m3
Resolved in: 8.5a1
Priority: Trivial/Cosmetic
Product/Component: Companion - General
This seems to be limited to user apps, though I may have seen it with built-in modules.  Using a command triggers an "Unregistered Command" notice, but then the command goes off normally.  @command reindex seems to have no effect.

6 years ago rhet0rica:
That's exactly why the message was changed to unregistered command. It just means the module responsible hasn't properly responded to a PROBE_MODULES message. @commands is removed in 8.5 for implementation reasons (except for @commands prefix <new_lca_prefix>); the correct solution is now @module probe
6 years ago rhet0rica:
8.5a1 improves the reliability of module probes; should cut down on the incidence of this.