Issue: RLV Trap Overwhelms Relay
ID: 2098
Assignee: rhet0rica
Reported by: EriciaWitt
Date: 2018-03-23 01:24:28
Reported in: 8.4.3
Target version for fix: 8.6.1
Priority: Moderate
Product/Component: Companion - restraint (External Restraint Interface)
Current companion version is 8.4.5, but this is not available in the version selection.

Trap is web at

The web issues "sit,,@sit:aae5cc22-081d-0148-895b-e53efc93ed7f=force" several times a second, seemingly preventing the RLV relay from responding to any other commands.  This continues until restraint is manually reset.

6 years ago rhet0rica:
Unfortunately it looks like poorly-coded RLV furniture like this isn't that uncommon. Why someone would design something so hostilely is beyond me, but it's unavoidable that a good relay needs to be able to handle it; OC does.