FTL drive, and the ability to sit shutdown by Alteran Stargates
Issue: FTL drive, and the ability to sit shutdown by Alteran Stargates
ID: 1994
Assignee: rhet0rica
Reported by: kyba.fireguard
Date: 2017-10-04 06:24:17
Reported in: 8.4.3
Priority: Moderate
Product/Component: Companion - General
After sim hopping with a couple friends of mine who just got NS products, we noticed that after the fourth to sixth hop in succession 5 hops in about 10mins we'd lose the ability to teleport at all even via the stargates themselves. The startgates are "Alteran Stargate Network" which is a free product and as such easy to test against. The teleport bug would half way be removed if you rebooted. However even after having booted, we still couldn't use the teleport home feature of the viewers, neither by shortcut nor by manually selecting it via a dropdown. This was only negated by restarting the viewer. The second issue which could only be fixed via restarting the viewer was the lack of the ability to sit on anything. Even using RLV to force sit on something was out of the picture. We've been able to replicate this 5 times in a row each. It's time dependant due to the rapid Teleporting, but we were unable to recreate it by using a bunch of landmarks back to back.

6 years ago rhet0rica:
Multiple attempts with 8.5 show @tploc=n after passive teleport. Why?!
6 years ago rhet0rica:
N.B. almost certainly real sit restrictions. Handles implicated?