This lists who is tasked with analyzing which parts of the ecosystem. Follow instructions according to Procedures.

Responsibilities are assigned according to experience with the system, technical aptitude, and free time. We greatly cherish and appreciate all customers who are volunteering to suffer for the good of the company and the products, including themselves. Keywords used are Light (limited time available for commitment), Heavy (urgent desire to bend metal), Clean (limited technical stuff strongly preferred), and Messy (determined to deal with hairy CS concepts and big scripting challenges).

MidnightMinion Cyberstar — Light, Clean
Awaiting next assignment

Astrid Saphir — Light, Clean
Awaiting next assignment

Rachael Ezvalt — Light, Clean
Awaiting next assignment

galatealindholm — Light, Clean
Awaiting next assignment

jenniferlavida — Light, Clean
Awaiting next assignment

melfinafoxcrush — Light, Clean
Awaiting next assignment

Robin Kiyori — Light, Clean
Awaiting next assignment

apexawoo — Light, Clean
Awaiting next assignment

Amelia Heartsong — Light, Clean
Awaiting next assignment

Tasks needing revisitation

Test malfunctions
Test software menu
Test access menu
Test all cortex menu options and vox filters

Completed tasks

Test guests and consent — sxdwm should always boot guests to main menu when last user of session 0 was someone else
Test identity, gender, and preset messages (. commands) commands for different personas — no issues found in initial pass
Test users menu — identified whitelist problems and encountered menu bugs
Test auxiliary power — several possible issues found
Test software menu — testing completed on old build (20200611) known to have problems; needs re-testing on next build (202105XX?)
Test injury, death, and resurrection — noted animation error
Test repair devices and methods (ARC repair, Arachne X8 repair, VectorLogix repair, AutoTool repair)
Test guests and consent — whitelist problems, design concerns, various minor menu bugs
Test policies menu except access — menus not updating, documentation missing
Test charging devices — ARC and Charger 3 cannot handle slow sims
Test HUD attachment