add-button <section-name> <icon> <command ...>
Adds a button to the custom section <section-name> on the Screen Console Manager HUD. The section must have previously been created using add-section. <icon> should be the UUID for a white-and-transparent texture not exceeding 128x128 px. <command ...> may be multiple words, space-separated; in the event the button is pressed, it will be sent as a 1 COMMAND system command message to the controller with the console as the executing user.

If add-button fails, the device will be sent an add-button-fail message; otherwise it will receive add-button-confirm.

There is no way to remove or modify a button or section from the Screen Console Manager once it has been added.
add-button-confirm <section-name>
Sent by Screen Console Manager to another device. Indicates that a button was successfully added to the section <section-name> by that device using add-button.
add-button-fail <section-name>
Sent by Screen Console Manager to another device. Indicates that a button could not be added to the section <section-name> by that device using add-button. This error message is sent only if the section is already full; no error is produced if the section does not exist. If you are uncertain as to whether the section exists or not, send add-section again; the message will be ignored if the section already exists.
add-section <name> <width>
Sent from any device to the Screen Console Manager (_screen) HUD. Adds a new section; the HUD will reply with add-section-confirm. <name> should be a short unique identifier, such as the device address; <width> is the number of icons that the device intends to display. Not supported by the Native Console (_native) HUD; see icon-q instead.

It is not possible to add custom gauges or meters to the Screen HUD. There is no way to remove or modify a button or section from the Screen Console Manager once it has been added.
add-section-confirm <name>
Sent by the Screen console to the device that sent add-section, instructing it to proceed with add-button messages.
Sent by HUD (_console-screen) to main controller. The main controller will immediately send its copy of the _console-config file.
Sent from controller to _console-screen HUD. The system has a new config file to send; delete the old one. This occurs whenever the _console-config notecard within the controller has a different inventory asset UUID from the last version that was sent to the console. After deleting its copy of the configuration file, the HUD will send config-q to request a replacement.
hatch open|close
Open or close the battery hatch. Sent from controller to hatch.
The battery is in a position that should prevent the main controller's lid from closing. Upon receiving this, the controller will open the hatch if it is in a closed state, or otherwise refuse to close it.
Sent by battery hatch to battery. Ask the battery if it is in a position that would block the hatch from closing; if so, the battery should send hatch-blocked in response.
interference <type> <intensity> <duration> <source_key>
Sent by shield device to controller, describing the amount, source, and type of radiation that could not be mitigated.
shield <duration> <intensity> <id> <type>
Sent by main controller to shield device. Interference in the radiation bands of <type> has been received from source <id>. Mitigate what is possible, and return an interference message with the remaining impact.
sign <string>
SuperBit message. Displays the image or sequence named by <string>. The special string "cancel" (e.g. sign cancel) will deactivate any sign currently being displayed.